torsdag 1. januar 2009

.:Happy new year!:.

omg..This Xmas and new year have been such a hard time! My little sunshine Thea was so sick just before xmas here, so we actually spend one day at the childrens clinic.. then we wnt back home, and then everyone else in our family got sick. so xmas eve, Tuva was puking and Thea had some nappies that really could knock us out!
then We where out..omg..I'm soooo tired! Now we finally are fine again, but it's been such a crappy xmas, that you would'nt believe me!
Over to something more fun!

I've also quited the Scrappemania design team... Time just flies! so...something had to
Thanx for all grate time, girls!
just before xmas Scrappehuset god sponsored by sweet spuds kits, and here is some of my little stuff I made.

two post-it books, used the grate bind it all! yaaay! I looove it!!
I love those cosmo papers! it's so cute!

and I also made a small candy box filled with superjummy 'qualitystreet'.

I'll post a bit later with some new stuff too! just have to organize myself abit!

Happy newyear ya'll! hope you have a super scrapbookyear in 2009!

3 kommentarer:

annes paperfun sa...

Godt nyttår til deg og dine.
klem Anne

anneskreative sa...

Hei,,,,så mye fint du har laga,,,,gleder meg til du får organisert deg selv,,,,smiler,,,kanskje du kan gi meg noen tips om hvordan det skal gjøres,
Godt nytt år til deg
Klem Anne

Marianne Hope sa...

Et riktig godt nyttår til deg. Trenger å få samlet meg litt selv etter en travel jul. Lykke til! (så synd du ikke er med i Scrappemania lenger.....)