Yep...It's been a while..
I've not have the best summer this year, thats for sure..
Been e busy summer with lots of work, things happening in my family and some more work.. I havn't had time to sit down with anything, just random cards and such.
So this is a big post..LOL!

B-day card for my bestfriends daughter, who turned 9 last friday. she got a pretty big scrapbooking gift, so now she can start herself;) I think she loved it!

weddingcard I made for e very good friend of mine. (she was going to a wedding this weekend..hehe)

DT lo for s2m. gotta love that picture!! tuva looves her carrotes!

This is a pringles box I've altered. my friend wanted something to put a personal horoscope in, so we decided to use a pringlesbox for it. I just loove those red roses...found them in a local craftstore, just ONE left...omg..I wanted lots! oh well..

and finally, a coworker had a babygirl, so I made them a card too. loove that webster paper!
4 kommentarer:
hold da helt op en mase lækkert du der har lavet.
Her var det mye flott! Digget spesielt det øverste kortet og veggisloen;) Nydelige oppsett og farger.
Herreeguuuud jente du er helt ufattelig rå!!!!!! Den boksen er til å ville rope av og og det første kortet HELLEDUSSAN såååå søøøøtt!! Og helt enig vegghenget er bare makaløst, men så har du jo unger man bare blir helt varm om hjertet av! ET sånt smil kan man leve på en hel dag altså! Er så glad å se nytt fra deg, blir skikkelig glad inni meg! Og som alltid gleder jeg meg til neste innlegg med vakre kreasjoner hihi! Ha ei god helg vennen!!
Oh ! I love your last projects !! The pringles box is just beautiful and so sweetness.
I love all your creation, you know it !!! Sam
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